Workshop: Coding a Woodcut

In connection with their exhibition Monument: Coding a Woodcut opening, October 28th, artists Beth Howe (Vancouver) and Clive McCarthy (San Francisco) will present a workshop at the FABlab this October. The artists will take viewers though their artistic process of exploring the possibilities that come from fusing algorithms and machine tooling with woodcut printing.  Participants will get to create their own coded woodblock print in the workshop. Registration is required. Space is limited. Sign up now!
Beth Howe’s practice investigates the built environment and how architecture affects and reflects the way we perceive and understand landscape. Her work involves printmaking, drawing, artist’s books and multiples and she currently serves as Associate Professor in Print Media at Emily Carr University of Art and Design in Vancouver, BC.
Clive McCarthy was born in Upton Park, London and following his graduation from University of Salford, he worked in the semiconductor industry. His engineering work ranged from working in a wafer fab clean room to managing a chip and software development organization with 200 employees. His artwork invariably uses computers and he is based in San Francisco, CA. Beth and Clive have collaborated on combining code and relief printing since 2010.  

September 17, 2016