Giving Tuesday

Many programming activities take place at Martha Street Studio throughout the year taking the form of critical dialogue, professional exhibitions, residencies, mentorships, production and community outreach. These activities, as a whole, create a vibrant and supportive environment where creative energies flow and are tapped into by our membership, the different communities that we serve and the general public.
So far this year Martha Street Studio has delivered 638 hours of teaching time to 969 people in our adult education program and outreach programs combined. Additional project initiatives include Design our Village, an initiative of past program participant Justin L’Arrivée and Making Our Mark II, in partnership with Arts and Disability Network Manitoba. We have also added new professional print equipment this year, such as: a hot plate, portable press and exposure unit.
Martha Street Studio is a registered charity and we ask for your individual donations to help support our operations through our mission and mandate: to maintain the heritage of excellence in printmaking while advancing artists in innovation through technique, education and community engagement.


Donations can be made in person, by mail, over the phone at (204) 779-6253 or through under Manitoba Printmakers Association.

November 26, 2016